Maddy’s Reading Movies

Assignment Description: Create a reflection post on what you learned from this section Reflection: The first video demonstrated various editing techniques for videos. I was aware of most of these techniques like jump cuts and wipe transitions, but some techniques were new like editing with tempo and rhythm of music. The second video showed...

Maddie’s Photo Blitzing

February 21, 2024 I chose to do the Photo-Blitzing assignment in the library. I chose the library because it is a quiet and calm place, but still a place where a lot is going on. The experience was a bit intimidating because there were other people around, and I had to make sure I...

Maddie’s Photography Tips and Tricks

February 21, 2024 Assignment Description: Pick at least three tips from these resources and practice them throughout the week.  #1 Plan Photos #2 Change My Perspective By Changing Yours: Find different and unique points of view. Look down, up, lay down on the ground, anything different from your typical view of the world at head height. Seek...