Iguacu Falls are one of the New 7 wonders of the world. When you see these astonishing falls, you won’t believe what you see. These falls are powerful, breathtaking, mind blowing and to say the least gorgeous. Words can’t describe the beauty of these falls, and no camera can capture what your eyes see....
Trish’s Favorite Animal
Three years ago, we were at the Baltimore Aquarium as a family. My 11year old daughter said, “I hope I see a Sloth.” I laughed because I honestly didn’t think sloths were real. How could they be when for 53 years, I have never heard of a sloth? High in a tree was a...
Trish’s Favorite People
People come in and out of our lives. Sometimes you only recall people you’ve met when you reflect on a place or time, and they were in it. Other times you meet people, and they are suddenly and without warning part of your life. You click, and laugh at the same jokes, no real...