911 Call

One part that I regretfully forgot to include in my afternoon on the Amazon blog post was the inclusion of someone getting their finger bit off by a piranha! Our guide had told us time and time again to be careful with the razor sharp teeth that the piranha has and to be careful specifically with our hands. Well, someone didn’t heed the warnings and lost a finger to a hungry piranha. I managed to get my hands on the 911 call that I made to Brazilian authorities.

I was surprised to find out when I called that they spoke English, and that they would be able to reach us at the boat, wherever we were in the middle of the Amazon. Being in such a desolate and “off the beaten path” area of the world, the abilities of medics to get there and help the individual who had just lost their finger was impressive. They quickly arrived and while the poor person who lost their finger was not able to get it back, they were able to get stitched back together and were expected to make a fully recovery.