Out in the country, not far from Reykjavik, a sheepherder named Bjorn lived with his dog Olafur. Olafur was his best friend, and because he was an Icelandic Sheepdog, he also helped him with herding the sheep. Some days, after finishing their work, Bjorn and Olafur liked to go to their closest dog park, Geirsnef Dog Park. One autumn day, they did just that.
As the two were about to leave the dog park, a sudden storm swept across the sky. All of the sudden, there were intense winds, and it began pouring down rain. Bjorn ran to his car, and Olafur followed, but at some point along the way, Olafur and Bjorn became separated. Due to the heavy wind and rain, Bjorn couldn’t see two feet in front of him, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to find Olafur until the storm passed.

A while later, the storm finally calmed and then passed, and so Bjorn got out of his car and began looking for Olafur. However, it was getting dark, and Bjorn had to return to his farm. He realized with sadness that he would have to return home without his best friend.
As soon as he got home, Bjorn made a poster to put up that he hoped would help find Olafur faster. The next day, he returned to Reykjavik and put the posters up everywhere while also calling for Olafur. Unfortunately, he did not find him. Bjorn went back to the city everyday in search of his furry companion, but it was without luck.

One day, a few weeks later, he finally received a call from a woman saying she had found Olafur! Bjorn dropped everything and went to meet her. Finally, he was reunited with Olafur!