The origins of this photo are funny, and somewhat scary. We were out on the morning safari, shortly after a piranha invited itself onto the boat, when Tamara recommended I get in to take a picture with a Caiman. Piro, our guide, encouraged me too! I was nervous but since the guide also recommended, I slowly got into the water trying not to spook the caiman.
Now this picture may seem deceiving, it makes me look significantly smaller than the caiman but I’m telling you that Tamara took this photo, and it is real scale, that is just how large the caiman is. I was pretty scared, as you can tell from my face. But I loved being able to get into the Amazon and swim with this seemingly incredibly hostile animal. But, like I said in the barrel post, I am here to tell the story!
This portion of the trip was awesome, being encouraged by friends, new friends, and the guides to try new things and not be afraid was awesome. While this story may stretch the truth a little bit, that statement remains true. Being able to fish for the most dangerous fish in the world, getting up close with caimans, and being inches away from lethal animals was unmatched.