Professor Polack
Professor Polack, a distinguished computer science professor at the University of Mary Washington, possesses a deep curiosity for global exploration. Driven by a desire to broaden her understanding of different cultures and technological landscapes, she aspires to study abroad in countries across the world. Professor Polack's ambition to study abroad exemplifies her commitment to enriching both his own academic perspectives and the field of computer science as a whole.
View UMW Trip 2024
Iceland, where we spent weeks exploring the stunning landscapes of this Nordic island. One of the highlights of the trip was driving around the famous ring road, a 1,332-kilometer highway that circles the entire country. Along the way, we marveled at cascading waterfalls, rugged coastlines, and towering glaciers. We had the chance to immerse yourself in Icelandic culture, sampling traditional cuisine and learning about the country's history and geology. This unforgettable journey through Iceland's dramatic beauty left a lasting impression all of us.
View UMW Trip 2023
After leading a study abroad trip to Brazil and Argentina, where the students explored the wonders of the Amazon Rainforest, embarked on a captivating river cruise along the Amazon, and marveled at the breathtaking Iguazu Falls from both sides of the border, Professor Polack decided to create a photo book. With meticulous attention to detail, he curated a collection of photographs capturing the vibrant landscapes, fascinating wildlife, and joyous moments of the trip. I aimed to provide a visual narrative that would forever remind the students of their remarkable journey.

Tour Boat Ride

The boat ride was interesting to say the least. Right after we checked out of the hotel we went directly to the boat. I’ve always enjoyed riding in boats. When I was younger my great Uncle would drive me and my cousins on the lake near his house. So riding on the boat while listening to the motor was very relaxing.

There were a lot of different animals that I met through the boat tour. They were all interesting and amazing. I didn’t know that we would be meeting so many different types of animals through this tour. Firstly, I got to get up close with the pink dolphins, or Botos, which was crazy! They kind of scared me a bit with their curved noses and pointed teeth and at some points you could feel them swim underneath your feet which was cool but weird. But, these dolphins were so cool to see.

At this spot as well we were able to get souvenirs to take home. Their were so many options to choose from, many displaying beautiful artwork of local animals. I got a magnet of a toucan since my mom loves homemade knick-knacks and magnets, so I thought she might like something from Brazil since she has never been before.

Also on the boast ride we went to a stop where they had these monkeys that would walk along side you on this bridge. I’ve never been that close to one before and I would only see them at the zoo sometimes. It was amazing how close we got to them and even some of the mothers were carrying the babies on their backs, which was adorable!! One of them even jumped down ONTO other people! I guess they aren’t scared of humans because they see them so often,

Also at the stop I got to hold a sloth. It was a baby sloth which was adorable as well. They were down the stairs next to a gigantic tree. That was probably there for hundreds of years. The whole area where these animals were, were so interesting and I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’ve never been able to hold wild animals before, never been THAT close to them before, and never seen animals like that weren’t behind a glass.

In my opinion the ferry ride was one of the best parts of the trip. We experienced so much and we learned all kinds of things. What we got to see there and what we got live was amazing. I loved seeing all the animals and having a wonderful time with my classmates. The pictures can’t due to experience I had justice.