The Spirit of Iceland and the Legend of the Yule Lads

During this trip, I knew that I wanted to learn more about Icelandic folklore. I like to believe that there’s still whismsy and magic– and a little bit of truth– in folklore legends from various cultures.

When we went to Skaftafell for a glacier hike, I decided to interview our glacier guide- Ollie. Ollie is not native to Iceland, but he has been living here for quite some time and working in the tourism industry. In the interview, I asked Ollie a variety of questions related to Iceland and its culture- essentially picking his brain to see how much he actually knew (not that I would know if he was lying or not).

From the interview, I learned more about the “13 Yule Lads of Iceland”– the Icelandic Folklore tradition that is adjacent to The 12 Days of Christmas that we know in the US. I also wanted to know more about why it’s “frowned upon” to take rocks from Iceland. Throughout the trip, I had heard a variety of answers, from “its illegal” to “it’s bad luck.”

The 13 Yule Lads

The 13 Yule Lads are mythical characters from Icelandic folklore who are said to visit children in the thirteen nights leading up to Christmas. Each Yule Lad has their own unique personality, and they are known for either leaving gifts or playing tricks depending on the behavior of children. Some of the most well-known Yule Lads include:

  • Sheep-Cote Clod (Stekkjastaur): He harasses sheep, but he’s impaired by his stiff peg-legs.
  • Gully Gawk (Giljagaur): He hides in gullies and waits for the perfect opportunity to sneak into the cowshed to steal milk.
  • Stubby (Stúfur): This short fellow likes to steal pans to eat the crust left on them.
  • Spoon-Licker (Þvörusleikir): He’s obsessed with spoons and licks them clean.
  • Pot-Scraper (Pottaskefill): As his name suggests, he scrapes pots to eat any leftovers.
  • Bowl-Licker (Askasleikir): He hides under beds to steal bowls of food, especially those with leftover porridge.
  • Door-Slammer (Hurðaskellir): He likes to slam doors during the night, waking everyone up.
  • Skyr-Gobbler (Skyrgámur): Skyr is a traditional Icelandic yogurt-like dairy product, and this lad loves to gobble it all up.
  • Sausage-Swiper (Bjúgnakrækir): He has a particular fondness for sausages and will steal them whenever he gets the chance.
  • Window-Peeper (Gluggagægir): He peeks through windows to spot things he can steal.
  • Doorway-Sniffer (Gáttaþefur): He has a huge nose and uses it to sniff out cookies and cakes.
  • Meat-Hook (Ketkrókur): He uses a hook to steal meat, especially if it’s hung up to dry.
  • Candle-Stealer (Kertasníkir): He’s known for stealing candles, which were once a valuable item in Icelandic households.

    As a part of this folklore, there is also a cat named Jólakötturinn that is said to eat children if they do not receive some type of clothing to wear for Christmas. If that doesn’t scare children into being grateful for the clothing as gifts, then I’m not sure what will.

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