Professor Polack
Professor Polack, a distinguished computer science professor at the University of Mary Washington, possesses a deep curiosity for global exploration. Driven by a desire to broaden her understanding of different cultures and technological landscapes, she aspires to study abroad in countries across the world. Professor Polack's ambition to study abroad exemplifies her commitment to enriching both his own academic perspectives and the field of computer science as a whole.
View UMW Trip 2024
Iceland, where we spent weeks exploring the stunning landscapes of this Nordic island. One of the highlights of the trip was driving around the famous ring road, a 1,332-kilometer highway that circles the entire country. Along the way, we marveled at cascading waterfalls, rugged coastlines, and towering glaciers. We had the chance to immerse yourself in Icelandic culture, sampling traditional cuisine and learning about the country's history and geology. This unforgettable journey through Iceland's dramatic beauty left a lasting impression all of us.
View UMW Trip 2023
After leading a study abroad trip to Brazil and Argentina, where the students explored the wonders of the Amazon Rainforest, embarked on a captivating river cruise along the Amazon, and marveled at the breathtaking Iguazu Falls from both sides of the border, Professor Polack decided to create a photo book. With meticulous attention to detail, he curated a collection of photographs capturing the vibrant landscapes, fascinating wildlife, and joyous moments of the trip. I aimed to provide a visual narrative that would forever remind the students of their remarkable journey.

Trish’s Favorite People

People come in and out of our lives. Sometimes you only recall people you’ve met when you reflect on a place or time, and they were in it. Other times you meet people, and they are suddenly and without warning part of your life. You click, and laugh at the same jokes, no real explanation as to why this happens, but it does, and when it happens, it’s almost magical.

13 people studied abroad to Brazil, and although I will always remember all of you for different reasons, there are two that I hold dear to my heart and believe them to be lifelong friends. This journey started out for me knowing no one and actually pretty convinced that the Professor, Jennifer Polack hated me. I had recently been really struggling on an assignment and emailed her nearly hundreds of times over the span of a weekend. I had not said two words to any of the classmates so arriving at the airport I knew faces but no names.

On the first flight out of DC, boom, mic drops. Nathan and I began talking, and the next thing I knew, he and I could barely stop laughing. My cheeks hurt, and I had to focus hard not to pee my pants. Upon arriving in Brazil, he and I were long-lost buddies, able to finish each other’s sentences and laugh without saying a word. It was insane how quickly we latched onto each other. Jennifer was right there at the gate. The three of us immediately began enjoying a friendship we didn’t expect. Experiencing Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay with the two of them made an already dream come true experience into a lifelong memory. These two are my Ying and Yang, and together we are the Brazilian Besties.

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